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Episcopal Diocese of the Great Lakes and Other News

The Episcopal Diocese of the Great Lakes, merging Eastern and Western Michigan, became official over the weekend of October 18th as the new diocese celebrated its first convention. In attendance were St. Francis’ delegates Judy Woodland, Carol Moggo, and Carol’s granddaughter, Adrienne Kelly.

New diocesan seal

“My favorite part of convention was the ‘baptism’ of our baby diocese,” Carol said, explaining that each parish was asked to bring a small amount of water from a local lake or stream. The water was then added to a bowl for a collective renewal of baptismal vows.

“The water references were very touching,” Carol said. “I loved watching people pour water from their favorite lake, river, or stream into the beautiful bowl.”


Baptismal bowl

Another memorable moment for Carol included attending a workshop with Judy about indigenous peoples, which Carol found to be very moving. Judy also enjoyed the workshop, commenting that it was eye-opening and informative.

Julia Ayala-Harris

The convention offered many other worthwhile events. Judy participated in a music workshop, which recommended ways to make music more interesting, and Carol took part in the Constitutions and Canons Session, a long but necessary discussion.


Keynote speaker Julia Ayala-Harris, President of the House of Deputies. provided another conference highlight. “She’s a phenomenal speaker,” Carol said. “That was a real treat.”

Carol and Judy returned from the conference with the new diocese seal, which they presented to St. Francis’ congregation on Sunday, October 26. The seal’s design features a colorful, nautical theme, perfectly representing the new Episcopal Diocese of the Great Lakes.

In other news:

The Diocese has begun the process of seeking a new bishop and is asking parishioners to fill out a survey on what they look for in a bishop. You can find the survey here or with this QR Code. If you’d prefer a paper copy, Carol Moggo can provide one.


And Lisa Jaenicke is now accompanying us on the piano every 4th Sunday. Her playing is lovely and a wonderful addition to our worship service.


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Nov 04
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

So great to see your story of the Convention! Thank you!

-Canon Nurya


Oct 30
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thanks for the update! Interesting news!

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